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10 Effective Ways to Save the Earth


Updated: Apr 1, 2022

Taking care of the Earth is like taking care of your future. Yet how can we take care of our future if we choose to do nothing about it? There are thousands of marine mammals that are dying every day because of plastic pollution. Environmental pollution is also affecting human health. While some are worsening the issues, you can play your part to alleviate the problem. Here are some ways you can do for sustainability:

1. Eliminate single-use plastic

There are about 2 million single-use plastic bags across the globe every minute. People use more than half a billion plastic straws every day [1]. Most of the stores use plastic bags as their packaging whenever you buy products. Even a single item consumes a disposable plastic bag. Can you imagine how many single-use plastics are produced in a year?

To eliminate these single-use plastics, bringing your water bottle, metal cutlery, and straws when eating outside will help. There are many reusable products available to replace plastic disposables that take 1000 years to decompose. You can also refuse plastic bags when purchasing items but instead place them in a reusable bag. It is effective in reducing single-use plastics that end up in landfills and the ocean.

2. Save Energy

Another way to save the Earth is to save energy. Energy wastage will result in long-term problems because most of the natural resources are finite. To conserve energy, unplug all unused appliances and gadgets from their outlet. Using energy-efficient light bulbs and air-drying clothes are alternatives to save energy.

3. Save water

An increase in water consumption has an impact on our environment. Its effect is evident on wetlands, plantations and biodiversity that may affect human livelihood. To conserve water, you have to stop wasting it. Avoid leaving the water running while taking a bath or brushing your teeth. Use a broom when cleaning areas at home and not the water hose. You can use a pail and sponge to clean your car instead. For houseplants, you can consider using a self-watering planter or an automatic drip irrigation kit.

4. Join pro-environmental organizations

To increase more self-awareness on saving the Earth, you can also join environmental organizations. These organizations support the achievement of sustainable goals. They also organize coastal clean-up drives, promote ecological farming, and support environmental education. You can join as a volunteer supporting their campaigns.

5. Use biodegradable products

While most people use plastics because they are cheaper, you can start saving the Earth by switching to biodegradable products which are not harmful to the environment. You can use biodegradable flatware during parties and display eco-friendly decorations. Most of these products are easy to decompose. Unlike plastic that will take hundreds or thousands of years to decompose, these will take weeks or months.

6. Reusing home items

If things are still working, why do you need to throw them right away and buy a new one? Impulsive buying produces packaging and transportation needs, which contributes to carbon emission. If those old shoes need repair, sew them or get them repaired in a shoe repair shop. It will reduce waste, and it will save money. You can also give unused clothing to charity, reuse gift wrappers for decorations, and jars for food containers. Think twice before buying a new one.

7. Plant trees

A Chinese proverb said that the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, and that time is now. You can support non-profit organizations that plant trees. A tree that you planted today will mature in 30 years. Alternatively you can use Ecosia as your search engine because it uses ad revenue from your searches to plant trees. All the planted trees will fight erosion. The best time to plant a tree is now.

8. Delete unwanted emails

How many emails do you receive in a day? An email sent in a day uses electricity. What if you receive 100 emails in a day? You can save the environment by cleaning your inbox. Spam emails and emails with large attachments contribute to the increase of carbon footprint. You can delete unnecessary emails if they are no longer needed.

9. Upcycle

Upcycling is a form of recycling where you are turning unwanted material into a new one. Instead of throwing things in a garbage bin that will end up in a landfill, why don’t you repurpose them? A tin can will turn into a flowerpot or a pencil holder. Old shirts can be a shopping bag, bottles can be a home decoration, and newspapers can be an art project[2]. The only resource you need is your imagination.

10. Spread Environmental awareness

We have an escalating environmental issue and by following the above ways, we can make a difference to Earth in the long run. Writing articles and creating videos can help to raise awareness. Sharing such content via social media can increase the awareness of those around you [3].

Changing our lifestyle and behavior maybe challenging, but our environment and future generation will benefit from it. While the following steps may seem simple, following through with it can be a challenge. While we are only a drop in the ocean, together we can all make a difference.

Emerging Green is a small family business that focuses on home and outdoor products. 70% of our products are made using eco friendly material and we are striving to do better every day. One of our goals is to substitute daily consumer products with greener alternatives. Learn more about us here.

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